
loud snare drum Problems

I have the same problems with drummers! Some have dynamic control, and some don't. I tend to mix around the drums, and if the drums are too damn loud, the whole mix will be too loud. We have a small lounge in our casino, seats about 75 people max, as well as a large nightclub.Make sure of AV, The small stage is where I've been working mostly. The stage is only 10' x 15' in a very "live" room. I have had the usual conversations with the bands, about stage level and such.

The way I handle it is as follows.......As he says :drummers are stupid!I always use the drum sheild, no exceptions. If the snare is too loud, I make them tape a cloth on the snare head. They always complain, but if they don't comply, I'm on the phone with their agent. Sometimes you have to be an a-hole. I put it this way to the band. "You have been hired to do a job (entertain our guests). You will do the job our way, or we will find someone else to do it." I still have two bands that just won't listen to me. There is no reason for a drummer to break sticks during every set in a room that size! Security is always on me about levels. With those bands I now only put vocals in the mix, and they get lost under the drums. Now if security comes up to me about levels, I turn the mains off in front of them showing them there is no change! Everyone in the bands are pissed at their drummer. So, if the drummers get the band fired, is it worth it? I say entertainment should be enjoyable for everyone, not a battle of egos!

