I had always thought that the clusters were, more-or-less, dedicated (i.e. center for vocals, fx only). Do you use (or need to use) your system in a way that necessitates the same sources in each cluster? and how does car monitor sales?Since each cluster should cover the entire room, I have always thought that that fact should negate such a need.
Inquiring minds want to know :-)
I design and setup new systems just like car dvd player does, so I don't have one that I use a certain way, although vocals in the middle is a pretty common denominator. I just prefer true LCR panning. Is it worth 10K more? hmmm probably not to most clients.
When digital crossovers came out years ago, the first thing I thought was "why trade analog issues for digital conversion issues; what's really gained here?"
But in truth, with modern convertors, digital conversion artifacts are orders of magnitude less than the noise, distortion, group delay, etc etc that come with all active analog circuits. The first system I setup with digital speaker management was a revelation in improved sound quality and I have never looked back nor used an analog crossover or analog graphic EQ, since. I think we will see the same sort of change in thinking happen with digital desks.
As far as delay through the system, (latency) with one of the new Souncraft SI2 digital desks it is less than 1ms through the entire desk. That's equal to moving a speaker about a foot and is simply not an issue musicially or with the audio. An iLive A+H is less than 2ms. It's just not an issue.