Guide for Wholesale car DVD Players
Dvd player in Nintendo wii
"Price is set by retailers, not by manufacturers, so there is no truth in this assumption," the spokesperson said.
Nintendo confirmed to GamesIndustry.biz that there are plans for a new version of Wii with DVD playback functionality in Japan.
The original sheet Wii, said the console will be equipped with a DVD player as standard, but Nintendo later elected not to work - autonomous players see today are generally available at low cost.
However, an article appeared in the latest issue of Edge magazine reports that enhanced functionality with the Wii DVD is in Japan for some time next year.
It also notes that Nintendo had originally planned, which Wii Price 150 GBP / USD 200, but had to hit the price of 180 GBP / USD 250 for increasing the pressure on retail margins.
Waja's Eonon E1057 Final Review
Eonon E1057 Final Review
Opening statement: Item was never intended to be installed into a Vios, but into my sister's 2007 Yaris Sedan. The Vios has practically the interior ripped out from a Yaris with all the same faceplates, harnesses, fittings and sizes.Delivery: Very fast delivery to Australia. Item was ordered on the 8th and received on the 14th. Also the tracking number was provided and was sent by DHL (reliability in action)
Connections & First start: The wiring was a dream with the harness being a quick clip with no extra harnesses or material being required. Everything was done pretty quickly and installed without too much strain. Eventually was stressing a bit as pressing the volume button did not start the unit. Eventually realized the SRC button is the power button. (Only one thing the manual was good for) Boot up time doesn't feel like the 40 seconds stated on most Eonon HU's and is pretty fast. Layout of the headunit is great and placed very well. Also looks brilliant even when not installed. [10/10]
Videos and DVDs: Screen quality is GREAT. Practically all DVDs tested so far are playing on this unit. Playing movies is brilliant on this screen with 6.2" not being too small for looking nor too big for the dash. Regardless, there is a tiny bit of grain on the image which pulls the point down by .5. The grain isn't too obvious, but being pedantic, I have to comment. [9.5/10]
Radio & Audio: One word to describe the audio. BRILLIANT. An awesome upgrade from the factory stock headunit, sounding clearer and louder on the stock speakers than before. I have pushed the speakers and haven't got any distortion before we deemed it too loud at 11pm and turned it down. The radio running through the stock antenna is great as well. It picks up channels I didn't even know existed! Elsewards, easy to navigate and use. [10/10]
USB & SD: Quickly syncs track names etc to the HU. Would have been good having the USB connection on the rear and running a hidden cable to a different location. Also the interface when exploring the USB is badly organised. The scroll bar is tiny and hard to navigate around folders and files. [7/10]
Bluetooth: Easy to pair to mobile phones, quick transmission with incoming phone calls. But the microphone is lacking and doesn't pick up much so need to use the microphone on the phone still. [7/10]
GPS: GPS unit was included and is a little bit bulky having to have the GPS box AND a receiver, where it would have been good having the GPS box integrated into the HU and having the blanked out slot at the front as the GPS SD card. Other than that, boot up time for GPS is decent and the interface is great and easy to use (Using PolNav). The GPS is easy to use, high quality and decent at recalculating routes. Also picks up the GPS signal REALLY fast, compared to my handheld GPS unit. [10/10]
TV: To tell the truth, TV was one of the most time consuming and irritating things to configure. The manual has nothing on how to wire it and also looking on the forum didn't have any answers, so by taking assumptions and plugging the one tv cable, you are left with 2 other cables in the end. Tried grounding these and spent hours trying to work it out before giving up and disconnecting the tv antenna. A better explanation would be good and statements for which PAL to use (there is PAL M, I, N, BG etc) I'll give 1 point for atleast having a tv connection. Hopefully I will be able to work out how to wire these connections and the TV segment will work [Incomplete/10 giving a 1/10. Hopefully will rise after getting the connections working]
Manual: Honestly...utterly useless. Unit it simple to use and the manual states alot of "functions and what they do" not really much on trouble shooting, wiring, etc. Also, the english version isn't that good and usually leaves you feeling frustrated of laughing at the lingo. [1/10 for trying]
Installing faceplate + headunit into dash: Using the stock brackets which came with the stock headunit didn't align up with all 4 holes on the headunit, but the main 2 were aligned and those would hold it in place. Attaching the airvents onto the aftermarket faceplate was a little difficult and you always feel like you are going to break something. Eventually fits in perfectly and flush, just like stock (never going to do that again). Installing the faceplate into the dash was the difficult part. It was very twitchy trying to get in and required alot of pushing (clicks easily in place with the stock surround faceplate though) but eventually got everything except the bottom two clips in all the way. There is a slight incline due to the bottom clips not fitting properly and the color is SIMILAR but not 100% but in the end, it still looks like a stock install. [9/10]
Support and Warranty: Brilliant knowing that you have 2 years warranty afterwards incase the item plays up or anything. Live support to Clara was great, friendly, quick to respond and redirected me in the right direction. Email support is a little lacking though, taking an extended time for replies (still waiting on a reply sent 2 weeks ago to ask if the unit will fit into a Yaris...regardless as it will be a little late since it's already bought and installed. Hopefully doesn't take too long for a reply on how to fix the tv antenna) [7/10]
Overall: Overall I think that the unit is a brilliant upgrade from the stock system. It looks like the car came with it preinstalled, easy to use and has as many, if not more, than the $2000 systems in the market. The small things that pull it down is the lack of technical support, the manual which is useless, the mic for bluetooth and the OS. The OS is easy to navigate around, but looks cheap due to the old style layout. The font is slightly pixelated and could be touched up. The O/S for the nav software shows the potential from the unit, showing it can have a highly interactive GUI and look like a $2000 unit. Through touching up these features, it would leave Eonon fighting strong against the top brands and could easily take a large market share.
Final score: 71.5/100 and due to increase once Eonon contact me regarding the TV
via: WaJa
What do you do to compensate or say to the Sound Check band?
and Jordan Wolf says:
Well, it depends on the maturity level of the band and its members. If you're working with high schoolers, I doubt you'll have much luck (I haven't).
I always ask (and sometimes tell) them to play just like they are going to during the show. Normally, getting the group to do a few songs before the crowd gets there lets you get a feel for the mix. Plus, if they're going to play loudly, it'll be more likely to happen at that time.
It's a crap shoot, unfortunately. You get what you get...talent, no talent...show volume, no volume... It's combat audio at its best.
Mical says:
I bet sometimes it's the band, more times than not it's "audience absorption factor". Other factors; temperature (especially outdoors), but indoor conditions change alot too. (loading dock doors, AC, AV,etc) It's the nature of the beast and as mentioned - "if it was automatic, you'd be out of a job". You adjust your mix between venues right? Try doing your soundcheck closer to "doors", that should minimize adjustments and verify if it is the band & not the venue. If I read it correctly - the Air Force band is alot of inputs - so I feel your frustrations. Thank god it's not the London Philharmonic, you'd be on suicide watch.
using cheap lapel mikes in hairline or behind ears
I'm working on a local community theater production of "My Fair Lady" and we have to mike the two leads (Doolittle and Higgins). Like michael,We don't have any decent mikes to go over the ears, so I have to use a pair of wireless lavaliere mikes. The capsules are sort of clunky and hard to hide, so we've put Eliza's mike just above her ear, and Henry's under his collar, just peeking out the front.
The sound is acceptable, but tonality is not particularly nice.
Does anyone have any tips on anything I could try to get better high end response (4-16k)?
Since you say the sound is acceptable but tonality is lacking, it seems that you are happy with the mic itself, and this could be solved with new placements.
Make sure that Eliza's capsule is firmly on a cheek bone and not the temple. If you move to far off hard bone, you lose high end fast. And the closer to her mouth you can get, the better(a hidden mic is of course desired).
That same concept goes for Henry. And since his is currently hidden right in front of his vocal cords, you are getting a lot of resonance from the mid-low frequencies. Again, If you could get his mic onto hard bone(forehead or cheek bone, avoid the jaw of course), I think that will help you out a lot.
site I recommend:car DVD player UK
loud snare drum Problems
The way I handle it is as follows.......As he says :drummers are stupid!I always use the drum sheild, no exceptions. If the snare is too loud, I make them tape a cloth on the snare head. They always complain, but if they don't comply, I'm on the phone with their agent. Sometimes you have to be an a-hole. I put it this way to the band. "You have been hired to do a job (entertain our guests). You will do the job our way, or we will find someone else to do it." I still have two bands that just won't listen to me. There is no reason for a drummer to break sticks during every set in a room that size! Security is always on me about levels. With those bands I now only put vocals in the mix, and they get lost under the drums. Now if security comes up to me about levels, I turn the mains off in front of them showing them there is no change! Everyone in the bands are pissed at their drummer. So, if the drummers get the band fired, is it worth it? I say entertainment should be enjoyable for everyone, not a battle of egos!
Seriously but what desks have you used and like?
(Just a little sarcasm )
I would like to know :
What are your typical installs consisting of ? I believe less is more KISS is very important! I would be interested in the type of systems you put together and how they reflect your philosophy
It is clear you have a approach based on what you believe. I have seen Digital desks that are fine and some that are horrors but few digital desks are 1ms when all is said and done each processor adds to it , as well as digital snakes and DSP's
PAS is fun just for these chances to talk about this thing we do
how do you use your LCR system?
I had always thought that the clusters were, more-or-less, dedicated (i.e. center for vocals, fx only). Do you use (or need to use) your system in a way that necessitates the same sources in each cluster? and how does car monitor sales?Since each cluster should cover the entire room, I have always thought that that fact should negate such a need.
Inquiring minds want to know :-)
I design and setup new systems just like car dvd player does, so I don't have one that I use a certain way, although vocals in the middle is a pretty common denominator. I just prefer true LCR panning. Is it worth 10K more? hmmm probably not to most clients.
When digital crossovers came out years ago, the first thing I thought was "why trade analog issues for digital conversion issues; what's really gained here?"
But in truth, with modern convertors, digital conversion artifacts are orders of magnitude less than the noise, distortion, group delay, etc etc that come with all active analog circuits. The first system I setup with digital speaker management was a revelation in improved sound quality and I have never looked back nor used an analog crossover or analog graphic EQ, since. I think we will see the same sort of change in thinking happen with digital desks.
As far as delay through the system, (latency) with one of the new Souncraft SI2 digital desks it is less than 1ms through the entire desk. That's equal to moving a speaker about a foot and is simply not an issue musicially or with the audio. An iLive A+H is less than 2ms. It's just not an issue.
You can let your iPod in your car
The luxurious and expensive cars, including Audi, Bentley, Buick, BMW, Cadillac, Ford, Chevrolet, Jaguar, Mercedes, Lexus, Rolls Royce and Ferrari, of course, now comes with built-changing menu, iPOD, of which the person is between the speed dial, where you can change as a simple way no problem.
Although the iPod for those who do not have a car with a desire not to build more, because you can install an iPod in your car does not move too much in your vehicle. The owner can be installed in your car, keep your iPod perfectly next to your stereo. So, instead of selecting the CD and songs from your stereo, you can directly select your iPod songs and presumably the iPod music quality is as good as reading a CD. This is an excellent component stereo system, which focuses on all the pieces separately added. After like an iPod with FM transmission you can do to your iPod is the music player in your car does not turn on your stereo for FM and then return the iPod for selected titles.
Vehicles are now, iPod-friendly even if you connect your iPod, you're in your headphones when you do not activate it. In the late 80s showed that only 4% of vehicles had to be done with an MP3 player or equipment for your MP3 player now, but can occur as a result of technological progress and enthusiasm for electrical equipment for over 75 % of cars or a stereo system that can handle an iPod or a built-in iPod. If you still brooding over the installation in your car is more thinking, please, believe me is a great investment, you can enjoy for a long time. iPod in the car of your friend will be when we rolled around boring readers, or congestion that lasted several hours.
Helping the driver to get a safe distance before Vehculos at speeds exceeding 30 km / h. The system ACC conduccinms can enjoy your experience major routes and motorways. Only the desired speed and time Vehculos select Minimum order quantity front. When the radar sensor detects a slowdown before Vehculos ms, the speed is set to L. automticamente And if the road is free, called Vehculos speed set. If the ACC is Vehculos separately and you approach even before the alarm remote activates a red light at the bottom of the windshield to help you keep a reasonable distance.
Dise09ado specifically for the braking system automtico motorway collision warning (CWAB) warning, if you can not help but close to the front and CSI nC Vehculos conflict may cause the brakes mitigation. Within a radius of 150 meters, a radar sensor behind the mask, and a digital camera is in / behind the windshield of a steady influx Vehculos distance transmitted. If ste suddenly more (or stopped) and the system detects a potential conflict, we propose a lightweight control for the windshield and an audible alarm. Furthermore, this technology helps the driver during a preparndolos bias brake and emergency braking time and reduce reaccin. Please heed this warning and conflict is imminent, the brakes are activated automticamente.
For speeds over 65 mph can cause the piece to warn you not in the way or distract momentneas block. This show is to work with the digital camera brands on the road and control the position of Vehculos the road. Leaving your lane, the LDW alert you se09al acoustics. If you intentionally change through intermittent lane, the LDW is activated.
City Safety technology to prevent conflict, is a world first for Volvo in a safe place in an MS-drive. At a speed exceeding 30 km / h, the technology can detect indicator of whether IS Vehculos 6-8 meters before stopping or moving ms is slower than yours. If a collision is imminent, the City Safety senses that are preinstalled on the brakes for a faster response. And if you brake applies the brakes on city safety automticamente foot off the accelerator and avoid or mitigate conflict. City Safety is active at Vehculos start, but can be interrupted, for example when driving on a road of snow.
Woman with the safety systems of Volvo are important to help you, you can not see a driver involved in an accident.
SLO unclear how it will be fun to drive Vehculos: as a necessary condition for control in difficult situations.
EONON 09/09/09 special offer:save 40% at most!
I just notice that eonon give it special car dvd players a big offer!
40% off , What a suprise!
The data is From this special day 9/9/2009 to 9/24/2009.
cool I will wait to see what happened in the "09/09/09" day!
CHECK it here:Special car dvd players big discount!
- 1. You can save up to 40% for all Special Car DVD players!
- 2. One-to-one made for each car model, they stand for unique and luxurious car DVD players which are distinctive from common ones!
- 3. Their appearance and electric circuit are seamlessly matched with the original setup in your car. Unlike common Car DVD players, you can install them easily without any modification!
Eonon reviews 2009 collection
by: t_almont
Good product and reasonable price. Fast delivery. Backsight camera function is awesome.
by: ari.heikkinen.
The team arrived as indicated in the estimated time is a very good provider, the team believe that they have limitations in regard to installing additional audio accessories should have taken control of the regular sobwoofer separate audio and power to do more speaker installations and other accessories
by: robertc_ec
For the money, you wont find much else like it, but you do get what you pay for.. The UI is kinda clunky but still usable, mine works the way it is suppose to with no problems. Bluetooth and the DVD play are by far the best features. If you buy this, remember that it is not JVC Pioneer or Sony, and it will not be as user friendly. But if you want a lower cost alternative with a few hoops to jump through, this will work fine. I just hope they roll out an update to the user interface, but i wont hold my breath.
by: callan752
Some red berries~~~~~~~

A $299.99 GPS?
how to buy eonon car dvd players
how to bu cheap car dvd player
Eonon special offer:Get 30% off for Refurbished Products
OHHH,that 's a good news for man like me,I like the products which is quality and chaep!
This is Eonon Refurbished Products Zone (short for E-R-P-Z) where you can get great products at a bargain price. At most 30% discount is provided, but they’re nearly with the same quality as the new ones. There’re only limited units everyday, so first come, first served.
How about the quality?
The quality is the same as the new products. To establish even better reputation and expand our influence among more customers, we offer such discount. These refurbished products have all passed strict test, and the replaced parts are new. So you don’t have to worry about the quality at all! They’re also with 2 years warranty.
Really save at most 30%?
Sure. You can get 25%-30% discount for the refurbished products. What’s more, the shipping policy is the same as the new products. No remote area fee is needed, and free shipping is provided for 22 countries.
Welcome to E-R-P-Z , and enjoy shopping here!
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API Players Tourney play
10.2 Inch Touch Button LCD Car Back View Monitor

Model No. : E1075
Mirror Monitor
* New Arrival-Screen size: 10.2 Inch
-Capacitive-Touch Button Function
-9 display modes
-Auto-Power Function
-PAL/NTSC auto switching
-2 channel Video Input
-High Definition Waterproof and Color CMD Camera
-Wide Angle: 130°
-Reversing Guard line Function
10.2 Inch Touch Button LCD Back View Monitor High Definition Waterproof and Color CMD CAMERA
Specifices Specifices
- Screen size: 10.2 Inch
- Capacitive-Touch Button Function
- Display mode: Nine Mode
(L 4:3/L16:9/ L15:8/L19:8/Full-Screen 25:8 R 4:3/R16:9/ R15:8/R19:8)
- Auto-Power Function
- Resolution: 800*RGB*256
- Menu Language: English/German/French/Spanish/ Portuguese/Italian/Russian/Chinese
- PAL/NTSC auto switching
- Image Brightness/Contrast/Color adjustable
- Two channel Video Input(video 2 for back car view)
- Remote Control Function
- Power Supply: DC 12V
- Power Consumption : 12 W
- Unit size: 293mm(L)x 107mm (W) x 25mm (h)
- Gross weight: 1.5kg
- High Definition Display
- Waterproof Function
- Reversing Guard line Function
- Wide Angle: 130°
- Horizontal View angle: 80°
- Image sensor: OV 7950
- Video System: PAL/NTSC(Optional)
- Total Pixels: 628×512
- Resolution: 420 TV Lines
- Mini Lumination: 2.0 LUX
- Video Output: 1.0 Vpp composite video at 75ohm
- Power Supply: DC 12V
- Operating Temp: -20°C~+75°C Rh 95﹪
Accessories Accessories
-1×Remote control w/ batteries
-1×English User's manual
-1×Power & AV Cable
- 1×User's Manual
- 1×Power Cable
- 1×Video Cable (5m)
- 1×Bag of Screws
9 Inch Car Headrest Monitor

Model No. : E1107M
Headrest Monitor or DVD Player
* New Arrival-9 Inch Screen
-Aspect ratio: 16:9/4:3
-2 Video Input & One Audio Input & RCA Port
-Video system: PAL/NTSC
-Built-in speaker
-Support IR Transmit Earphone
-1 to 6 Video Singal Amplifers
Color: GRAY/TAN/BLACK (Optional)
-Screen Size: 9 Inch
-Resolution: 800 x 3 RGB x 480
-Aspect ratio: 16:9/4:3
-Image rotate: Right/Left/Up/Down
-Image Brightness /Contrast/ Color /Saturation adjustable
-Power Supply: DC 12V
-RCA Port
-Two Video Input and One Audio R/L Input
-Video system: PAL/NTSC
-Menu Language: English/ Traditional Chinese/ Simplified Chinese /German/French/Spanish/Portuguese/Italian/Russian/Korean/Japanese
-Built-in speaker
-Support IR Transmit Earphone
-Auto-memory function
-Pole dimension: 12mm/10mm (Optional)
-Adjustable distance: 95mm-195mm (Inner)
-Unit Size: 290mm x 220mm x 120mm
-Weight: 5 kg (a pair)
5 inch touch screen 1-din car dvd cd player

Model No. : E0821
5 inch touch screen 1-din car dvd cd player
One Din Monitor built in DVD
-5 Inch Touch Screen-Thin-Film Switch Control Panel
-TV function: PAL/NTSC system
-Built-In USB Port/SD Slot
-IPOD / Bluetooth
-FM/AM radio and RDS Radio Function
-Auto-Memory Function
- Power Supply: DC12V
- Installation type: 1-DIN in dash installation
- Thin-Film Switch Control Panel
- Control Panel Angle Adjusted by Grade Freely
- Install Size: 185(L) mm ×165(W) mm×55(H) mm
- Gross Weight: 2.8 KG
- Net Weight: 2.1 KG
- Compatible Format: DIVX5.0/ AVI/ DVD/ VCD/ MP3/ CD
- DVD OSD Language: English/ Chinese/ French/ German/ Spanish/ Portuguese
- Audio Language: English/ Chinese/ Japanese/ French/ Spanish/ German/ Portuguese/ Latin
- Subtitle Language: English/ Chinese/ Japanese/ French/ Spanish/ German/ Portuguese
- Screen type: 5 inch touch screen
- Resolution: 480 * RGB * 234
- Image Brightness /Contrast/ Color adjustable
- Built-In LCD Clock Display and Adjustable Function
- Can make and receive calls hands-freely
- Built-in Microphone in the control panel
- Play the Ipod music you like by Ipod cable connection.
- Compatibility: Ipod classic, Ipod Nano.
7 inch touch screen 1 din in dash auto dvd player -IPOD input

One Din Monitor built in DVD
-7 inch Touch Screen-Detachable Button Panel
-TV function: PAL/NTSC system
-Night Illumination Function
-Built-In USB Port/SD Slot
-IPOD / Bluetooth
-Built-in amplifier
-Built-in Radio Tuner (30 Preset Stations) and RDS Radio Function
-Auto-memory Function
car audio and car video
- Power Supply: DC12V, range from DC 10.8 to 16.0V
- Max Working Current: 10A
- Installation type: 1-DIN in dash installation
- Drop Down Detachable Button Panel
-Control Panel Night Illumination Function
- Install Size: 185(L) mm ×175(W) mm×50(H)mm
- Package Size:340(L)mm×290(W)mm×120(H)mm
- Gross Weight: 3.5 KG
- Net Weight: 2.5 KG
- Compatible Format: DIVX5.0/ AVI/ DVD/ VCD/ MP3/ CD/ CD-RW/ JPEG
- DVD OSD (On screen display) Language, Audio Language, and Subtitle Language:
English/ German/ Spanish/ French/ Italian/ Latin/ Portuguese
- Screen type: 7 inch touch screen
- Fully Motorized Viewing Angle Adjustment
- Resolution: 480 * RGB * 234
- Image Brightness /Contrast/ Color /Saturation adjustable
- Built-In LCD Clock Display Function
- Can make and receive calls hands-freely
- Support Bluetooth MP3 Player Function (Attention: This function is limited in using with the mobile phone which supports the Bluetooth Audio Output)
- Play the Ipod music you like by Ipod cable connection.
- Compatibility: Ipod classic, Ipod Nano.
- TV tuner type: Analog TV tuner (Analog TV is transmitted in a manner similar to radio. If you want Digital TV which sends and receives of great moving images and sound, you can add our E770 DVBT. More information about Analog and Digital TV, please find it here.)
- 1 x TV antenna
- TV System:NTSC/PAL
(NTSC is a video signal standard used by the color television industry in the United States and Japan. PAL is a video standard used by the color television industry and is the common standard used in Europe. Want to know what fit system applied in your country? Please click here.)
- Stations: 30 Preset stations
- FM(3*6)87.5-108MHz(Europe) Increment 0.05MHz
- AM(2*6)522-1620KHz Increment 9KHz
- Under Radio mode, can select Europe/ USA radio frequency
- Built-In RDS Radio Receiver Function (Your radio can display rich data such as the name of the station or the track name, for FM radio signals)
Audio & Video
- Max power: Loud 4×65W (The stereo sound quality when turn to the loudest volume)
- EQ (Effect Compensation): POP, ROCK, CLASS
- Auto-memory Function: help you return to the last time the music or video stopped.
Input & Output
RCA Audio:
- FL/FR/RL/RR/ Sub-woofer (Front Right/ Front Left/ Rear Right/ Rear left. Used for connect audio media, red and white wires for audio connectors)
- 1 x AUX Audio R/L input
RCA Video:
- 2 x video output
- 1 x Back Sight input(CCD Video Input)
-1 x AUX video input (Used for connect video media, yellow wires for video connectors.)
- 1 x TV Antenna Input
- 1 x Radio Antenna Input
- 1 x Ipod input
- 1 x Microphone input
- Built in amplifier FR/FL/RR/RL 4-Channel Audio Output
- USB Port (It is a great way to hook up your portable media player with your car entertainment center):Can support soft drive such as USB flash drive, or MP3 player with maximum 2G compatibility, can’t support portable hard drive.
- SD Card Port: Can support SD Card of maximum 2G compatibility
- 1 × User's Manual
-1 × Remote Controller (Battery inside)
-1 × Power Cable
-1 × AV Cable
-1 × Antenna
-1 × USB Cable
-1 × IPOD Cable
-1 × Operation pencil
-1 × Microphone
one din in dash car dvd player - detachable face
Model No. : E0823 | |
One Din DVD Player-Detachable Front Panel General Accessories |